This will be a fun one. Basically I want to:
- Allow the user to draw a freehand shape on the screen
- After releasing the click/gesture the shape should materialize itself into a dynamic physics body.
- The generated bodies should be affected by gravity and will collide with each other
I'll be using cocos2d-x 2.0.1 with Box2D for the physics.
(Update: 24 March 2013: As some people were having trouble making it work I've replaced the current download with a complete XCode project using the latest Cocos2d-x version (cocos2d-x 2.1.2))
(Update: 24 March 2013: As some people were having trouble making it work I've replaced the current download with a complete XCode project using the latest Cocos2d-x version (cocos2d-x 2.1.2))
Anyway, a video is worth more than 10.000 words (heck, if a picture is worth 1000 words a video is certainly more). Here's the final effect: