UTFGrid is a technology that provides the ability to have client-side interaction over raster map-tiles. Everything is very well explained in this page (which includes a working example), but the idea is simply to have an accompanying JSON file for each map-tile containing meta-information about that image. This info is also very fast to handle in client-side.
For instance, assuming this raster tile which contains Great-Britain:
The accompanying UTFGrid file will have something that looks like an ASCII-Art representation of the image (albeit a little bit stretched):
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## !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
##### !!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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'' &&&&&&&&&
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The file also contains a dictionary which maps these characters to the items they represent. Thus, in this particular case the following mappings exist:- ! maps to United Kingdom
- # to the Republic of Ireland.
- $ to Isle of Man
- % to Guernsey (I actually have a colleague that lives there)
- ' to Jersey
- & to France
Unfortunately there's no support for UTFGrid in Bing Maps, hence the reason for me writing this particular blog post.